Reached Favorable Settlement for Biotechnology Manufacturer in Patent Litigation Relating to Proteases for Antibody Characterization

July 15, 2016

Genovis AB., et al v. Promega Corporation, Case No. 3:15CV00206 (W.D. Wis.)

On behalf of biotechnology manufacturer Promega Corporation, Robins Kaplan LLP reached a favorable settlement following summary judgment briefing in a patent infringement suit relating to certain proteases used for antibody characterization.

Past results are reported to provide the reader with an indication of the type of litigation we practice. They do not and should not be construed to create an expectation of result in any other case, as all cases are dependent upon their own unique fact situation and applicable law.

Cyrus A. Morton


Chair, Patent Office Trials Group

William E. Manske


Chair, Recruiting/Hiring Committee

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