Smart Phone Privacy and Data Security – How to Assess and Minimize Risk in the Current Reality

Minnesota CLE

February 9, 2021


Start time: February 9, 2021 | 3:45 p.m. CT

Duration: 60 minutes

On Tuesday, February 9, 2021, at 3:45 p.m. CT, Michael Reif co-presented in a webinar hosted by Minnesota CLE, titled, " Smart Phone Privacy and Data Security – How to Assess and Minimize Risk in the Current Reality." Speakers discussed new information from Deloitte’s Cyber Intelligence Center confirming a recent spike in phishing attacks, Malspams, and ransomware – with threat actors routinely using COVID-19 as bait to mislead employees who are working remotely, away from the protections of corporate networks. What are the real data privacy and security risks when it comes to smart phones, and how, in our current reality where work-from-home reigns, do you take steps to protect your own and your clients’ and organizations’ private information? In this presentation, Chris and Michael will leave you with broad background and recommendations for best practices during the pandemic and beyond.

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