IP: Is Inter Partes Review an Improvement Over Inter Partes Reexam?

AIA inter partes review (IPR) PTAB procedure offers patent owners and challengers benefits that beat old inter partes reexamination (IPRex).

January 22, 2014

Starting on Sept. 16, 2012 inter partes review (IPR) replaced inter partes reexamination (IPRex). Almost a year and half later, the experiment is still in its infancy. Because it takes about 18 months from filing to final decision, at the time of this writing we still have only one final IPR decision! Many more will come soon, but there has already been plenty of action at the Patent Trial & Appeal Board (PTAB) to permit some early conclusions. The simple answer is, yes, IPR is better.

Reprinted with permission from InsideCounsel

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Cyrus A. Morton


Chair, Patent Office Trials Group

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