Trademark Applications and the Murky Waters of Subject Matter Jurisdiction

By David Martinez and Zac Cohen

May 13, 2022

Trademarks - word phrases, symbols, designs, or a combination of these things that identify one's goods or services - are a cornerstone of American intellectual property rights. As the Supreme Court has noted,
"[n]ational protection of trademarks is desirable ... because trademarks foster competition and the maintenance of quality by securing to the producer the benefits of good reputation." Matal v. Tam, 137 S. Ct. 1744, 1752 (2017).

Trademark applications and the murky waters of subject matter jurisdiction.

The articles on our website include some of the publications and papers authored by our attorneys, both before and after they joined our firm. The content of these articles should not be taken as legal advice. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or official position of Robins Kaplan LLP.


David Martinez


Member of the Executive Board;
Member of the Firm's Diversity Committee;
Pro Bono Chair, Los Angeles Office

Zac Cohen


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