Protecting Confidential Information in the Evolving Workplace: Strategies for Avoiding the Loss of Company Secrets

Minnesota IP Law Association (MIPLA)

September 16, 2020


Christopher K. Larus


Chair, National IP and Technology Litigation Group

Companies have been forced to adjust policies to enable employees to work from home and have adopted new technologies to maintain business operations. Now, as states lift shelter-in-place directives, companies revert to on-site workplaces or establish more permanent virtual models, and rates of employee mobility rise, the risk of trade secret misappropriation and the potential loss of other valuable confidential information has never been greater.

In this presentation, Robins Kaplan LLP trial lawyers Christopher K. Larus and David A. Prange discussed the challenges associated with these shifts in the workplace and share proven strategies for protecting company secrets in 2020 and beyond.

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